
Ivan Uryupin records the music to accompany the Chinese-Russian tragedy “Snow Angel”.

Ivan Uriupin records the music to accompany the Chinese-Russian tragedy “Snow Angel”.

The recording of music for symphony orchestra and chorus took place in Ton-studio of “Mosfilm” to accompany the military tragedy “Snow Angel”, shot jointly by China and Russia, dedicated to the 70-th anniversary of Victory gained during the World War Two. Editorial stuff of “Mosfilm” concern News met the film composer, Ivan Uriupin, who has explained peculiarities of his work on this picture.

— Ivan, could You tell us, who are the participants of this recording?

— It is the classic symphony orchestra of full value, including nearly 100 musicians of the Moscow first-rate musical bodies, that took part in recording. Among them the conductor Alexey Vereshagin, sound producer Gennady Papin. The various national cultures — Chinese, Russian, Japanese — have been touched in this film, that’s why the ethnic instruments – Chinese violin, Japanese drum, koto – have been used apart from classic instruments.

— What are the other specific features of music for this film, besides musical tools?

— I have actively applied the harmony and intonation features of the various ethnic cultures to strengthen contrast necessary for musical line of this film. Two my songs in Chinese and choral music have been recorded also. The battle scenes’ presence presupposes the composition of active heroic sound-tracks that, in its turn, make the tragic topics of principal heros – Galina and her boy-friend Zhan Mei Shen — more prominent.

— Was it difficult to cooperate with the Chinese cinema company? It’s entirely different musical and lingual culture.

— Truthfully, it was very comfortable for me to work together with Chinese customers – these people understand their concrete needs concerned with music, but at the same time they pay attention to my opinion. The creative work of film composer is under intent attention in China. Prior to getting down to work tightly on score, I have shown my demo-soundtracks to some producers and composers from Beijin, Harbin and other Chinese cities, the quality of my work being highly appreciated.

— Where and when the first showing of film is assumed?

— The film will be shown firstly in China, approximately this August. Galina Dubeeva is famous person in China history, that’s why the enormous scale of the first show is anticipated, then the film will be presented in all the cities of the country. As to showing in Russia, its date isn’t precised yet.
2015-06-16 17:41