
Recording of Ivan Uryupin’s music for the animated film «Space dogs.

Recording of Ivan Uryupin’s music for the animated film «Space dogs. Tropical adventure»

In March, even before the adoption of restrictive measures against the spread of coronavirus infection, the First Music Studio recorded the soundtrack for the animated film «Space dogs. Tropical adventure». Now the creators of the picture have prepared a video about that work and shared it with

The cartoon is directed by Inna Evlannikova, produced by Sergey Zernov and Vadim Sotskov. The sound engineer of Mosfilm, who worked on the recording of the orchestral music for the film – is Gennady Papin.

According to the plot of the cartoon, a mysterious anomaly occurs off the coast of Cuba – a huge water tornado sucks up water, draining the ocean. By the decision of the Soviet command, Belka and Strelka are sent to the island on a reconnaissance mission.

The composer of the cartoon «Space dogs. Tropical adventure» was Ivan Uryupin. He wrote the music for all the previous projects about the adventures of «star» dogs. In addition, he is the author of music for more than 50 different films, cartoons and TV series, both Russian and foreign, including «The Extraordinary Journey of Seraphim», «Embracing the Sky», «Father’s Shore», «Zaza», «Great Journey», «Two Tails», «22 minutes», «Foundling» and others.
2020-06-01 17:23