
«Halley’s Comet» is being released.

The premiere of the lyrical comedy «Halley’s Comet» by Milena Fadeeva took place in the October cinema. The film stars Lia Akhedzhakova, Anna Mikhalkova, Anna Chipovskaya, Sofia Lukyanova, Anton Shagin. Work on the film was carried out on the main streets of the capital, Pokrovsky and Tsvetnoy boulevards, Nikitsky Gate Square and in the village of Arkhyz.
This good story happened, as miracles often do, on New Year’s Eve. In an old house in the center of Moscow, the Artemyev family lives, consisting exclusively of women. Three female generations: an intelligent, eccentric old woman Yanga Lvovna (Liya Akhedzhakova), her daughter Yulia (Anna Mikhalkova) and two granddaughters Taisiya (Anna Chipovskaya) and Dusya (Sofya Lukyanova). Each of them has its own problems, its own hopes and dreams. One snowy evening, in a completely unusual way, a charming physicist-astronomer named Halley (Anton Shagin) appears in their apartment. From that moment on, events unfold rapidly that change the lives of four women. Problems are solved, dreams come true, love happens…
As the director of the film Milena Fadeeva admitted, the soloist of the cast of Halley’s Comets, without a doubt, was Lia Akhedzhakova. Other Russian film stars – Nina Usatova, Emmanuel Vitorgan, Igor Vernik, Pavel Priluchny-also took part in the film. The composer of the project was Ivan Uryupin.

«Working with Leah Akhedzhakova was a human delight and a creative pleasure for me. She is an incredibly talented artist, multi-faceted and very responsible. Lia Medzhidovna immediately decided to fly to the shooting in Arkhyz, although with the current technology, it was possible to shoot it in Moscow. It took us more than five hours to get to the filming location. Lia Medzhidovna was filmed high in the mountains, where the wind literally blew her off her feet. I think that on the part of Lia Medzhidovna-this is a real professional feat! » — says the director of the film Milena Fadeeva.

In the story, the heroine of Ani Chipovskaya-Taisiya – is a professional boxer. She has been engaged in this seemingly non-women’s sport for many years and trains boys in a sports school. According to the actress, during the preparation for the shooting of «Halley’s Comet», she specially took boxing lessons to better embody the image of the daring Taisiya on the screen.

«During the filming, some scenes were technically difficult for me. First of all, I’m talking, of course, about the boxing scenes. Thank you very much to my coach, thanks to him I felt confident. My heroine chose for herself such a tough type of martial arts as Thai boxing, and this says a lot about her strong character, » said Anna Chipovskaya.

The film was produced by Alexander Starikov and Vlad Ryashin.
2020-12-05 10:27