A new Russian-American animated film was released in the world film distribution. In Russian film distribution the film is released on April 27.
This story is about how one day, a stupid Stork from the children’s delivery center mixed up the addresses and instead of a family of pandas brought a baby Panda bear named Mick. Mick-Mick loves order in everything and decides to deliver the baby Panda to his parents in South China. In the linked shiftless neighbor Bunny Oscar. On the way they meet the boastful Pelican Duke, cowardly wolf Janus and romantic tiger Cupid. For the Russian film distribution roles were voiced by Philip Kirkorov, Maxim Galkin, Dmitry Nazarov, Alexei Vorobiev, Tatiana Navka and others. Director: Natalia Nilova, Vasily Rovensky.
This story is about how one day, a stupid Stork from the children’s delivery center mixed up the addresses and instead of a family of pandas brought a baby Panda bear named Mick. Mick-Mick loves order in everything and decides to deliver the baby Panda to his parents in South China. In the linked shiftless neighbor Bunny Oscar. On the way they meet the boastful Pelican Duke, cowardly wolf Janus and romantic tiger Cupid. For the Russian film distribution roles were voiced by Philip Kirkorov, Maxim Galkin, Dmitry Nazarov, Alexei Vorobiev, Tatiana Navka and others. Director: Natalia Nilova, Vasily Rovensky.